The Human Factors & TMSA
This two-day class covers the Human Factors concepts and NEW requirements of the Tanker Management Self Assessment 3, Element 14. This element will soon be included in oil company audits of marine operating companies (ocean, coastwise, and inland shipping, towing companies).
Who Should Attend:
This course is intended for safety compliance, Designated Persons, Operations, management, consultants, regulators, TMSA auditors, and vetting personnel.
Course Highlights Include:
Basic human error and failure categories
How Plan-Do-Check-Act fits into the Human Element
Principles of Human Organizational Performance:
People will make mistakes
Error-likely situations can be predicted and controlled
Human actions are influenced by the context in which they occur
Operational mishaps can be avoided
How people respond to failure matters
How the Human Organizational Performance Principles are used to reduce incident risk
Understanding the New View of Safety based upon ANSI Z10
Addressing Human Element issues in incident investigations, procedure development, risk management, training, and more
A review of the TMSA3 (stage 1 & 2) requirement and best practices
Discussions and techniques to meet Element
This training includes hands-on exercises and practical techniques that can be used to meet the TMSA training requirements. Using a workbook, attendees will capture techniques and best practices of how to meet Element 14 to bring those ideas back to their companies.
This course is based upon the principles of Human Organizational Performance as presented in TMSA, ANSI Z10 Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems, and The 5 Principles of Human Performance: A Contemporary Update of the Building Blocks of Human Performance for the New View of Safety (Todd Conklin).